• Join Us

    Citizen State is a social movement. Building a community committed to the goals of Citizen State is vital if we are all to exist in a better world. Join us today and create a future based on freedom, justice, and equality for all people.

  • Join Citizen State Today

    Joining Citizen State is the first step on your journey with us. Becoming part of our movement will give you opportunities to access basic resources, the latest news about our activities, and information on how to endorse and support Citizen State in your community.

  • Why Join?

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    Access to Services

    Priority access to services, including homes, healthcare, and education, when available in your area.

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    Support the Seal

    The exclusive right to receive discounts from Citizen State Seal holders through our Citizen Space.

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    Priority Contact

    Priority contact support from our team for all issues relating to Citizen State.

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    News & Events

    Notification of special news and events before the general public.

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    Citizen Pricing

    Benefit from promotional citizen pricing on select items in our marketplace where available.

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    Change the System

    Become part of a community of like-minded people struggling to change the system for the betterment of all people.

  • Contact Us

    Want to learn more about how you can get involved? Got a question about Citizen State? Hit us up!